
Objective analysis of a diet sample (from the food diary table below) with reference to the Eatwell Plate

A food diary Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Drinks Day 1 Muesli with almond milk and an apple 2 soft boiled eggs, pitta bread with olive oil spread, 4 slices cucumber, tomato and an apple Cod cooked in butter with oven cooked chips , carrot and peas 1/3 mango Chamomile tea 4 pints of water Day …

Objective analysis of a diet sample (from the food diary table below) with reference to the Eatwell Plate Read More »

Functions And Sources Of Macronutrients And Micronutrients

Macronutrient Function Symptoms of deficiency Symptoms of excess Sources of macronutrient Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) per day Carbohydrates: Sugars Provide energy, construction of body tissues and nerve cells Hypoglycemia (not enough sugar in the blood), feelings of hunger, ketosis (bad breath, confusion, tiredness, sickness), headaches, constipation Tooth decay, carbs become stored as fat, develop type …

Functions And Sources Of Macronutrients And Micronutrients Read More »