Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Breast Feeding |
*Breast milk is ideally suited to a baby’s energy and nutrient requirements *Composition of breast milk changes to meet baby’s needs *Free *Readily available *Can protect mother against breast and ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and obesity *Access to clean water not needed *Creates a bond between mother and baby *Enhances development of baby’s immune and gut systems and reduces risk of infection and allergies *Studies have shown those that were breastfed have advanced cognitive development later in childhood, less allergies, lower cholesterol and obesity *Longer a baby is breast fed the longer and greater the benefits |
*Mother needs to supplement her diet to ensure she is providing correct energy and nutrients for producing breast milk and maintaining own health *Breast milk is low in vitamin D and K so supplementation is needed *Only the mother can feed the baby *Can’t tell how much the baby is having *Some mothers may feel uncomfortable feeding in public places, other people may make the mother feel uncomfortable *Returning to work while breastfeeding can be difficult *Baby can need feeding more often *drugs, alcohol, nicotine can all be passed from mother to baby while breastfeeding |
Bottle Feeding |
*Family and friends can feed the baby, this gives the mother time for herself and allows others to develop a bond with the baby and help *Easy to measure how much the baby is having *Some mothers don’t like the idea of breast feeding so this is a helpful option to ensure the baby is well nourished *It is an option for when breastfeeding isn’t working due to a medical condition of either the baby or the mother *Baby can stay fuller for longer as the protein in formula milk takes longer to digest *Allergens can be removed from certain formulas |
* Can be expensive; sterilising equipment, bottles, teats, formula *Can be a delay between baby needing milk and receiving as formula needs preparing *Access to clean water needed (can be problematic in developing countries) *Attention to hygiene of mother and equipment needed during preparation, feeding, storing and cleaning *Some nutrient benefits and immunity enhancement of breast milk can not be replicated, these are then missing from the baby’s diet *Health benefits of breastfeeding are not available to those mothers who bottle feed *Care needs to be taken with correct proportion of formula made up and given to baby to avoid dehydration, constipation, over/ under feeding |
Breastfeeding or Bottle Feeding; Advantages And Disadvantages

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