Newhaven Shellac Nail Treatments

Shellac is a natural resin soaked in alcohol to become a liquid and easily applied nail polish. Our Newhaven Shellac Nail treatments are carried out in the lovely relaxing Be Well With Shell treatment room.

Newhaven Shellac Nail Treatments

Newhaven Shellac nail treatments Pixabay royalty free image

At ‘Be Well with Shell’ we use the original CND Shellac products which are great for 14 days of wear (depending upon nail use and growth). There is no damage to the nail during the gentle removal process.

We have a wonderful range of the most luxurious colours. But if there is anything in particular you are looking for please ask at least a week before your treatment to allow the right colour to be found and ordered.

During the treatment the nail and cuticles are prepared before applying the base coat, colour and top coat and curing these under the LED lamp. The treatment ends with the application of a cuticle oil and a relaxing hand massage.

Also check out our Newhaven nails, manicures and pedicures for a non-shellac treatment.


Contact Me About Newhaven Shellac Nail Treatments

All bookings are by appointment. So to book or find out more about Newhaven Shellac Nail Treatments please call me on 07734590324 or email [email protected].

You can check out the prices of all treatments here. You can pay by card, bank transfer or cash.

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